4 Simple Printer Related Cost Reduction Tips

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With the new year just around the corner everyone has goals in mind. They have goals for themselves and goals for their businesses to achieve. Goal #1 for most businesses is to reduce their operations costs and save money. The less money they spend on office supplies and printers the more they can reinvest into the business, or use for team building activities or parties. Here are some simple tips to save money around the office.

  1. Paper is expensive and eats up a lot of the office supply budget. Simply defaulting your print driver to print 2-sided will save you lots of money in the long run. Not only will it save money on the paper itself, it will halve the time spent reloading paper in your copier (everyone's favorite thing to do! /sarcasm). Not to mention it's environmentally friendly. Who doesn't like being green? It's so easy to make this adjustment!

  2. Color printing is another bulky line item on the printer costs worksheet. Another simple change in your print driver settings can default your color printer to print in B&W. Whether you buy toner/ink outright, or you have a maintenance contract which includes your toner, this will save your office a TON of money. Personally, when I install print drivers on a customer's computer I always default it print B&W unless specifically told to leave it on automatic color.

  3. Don't print that document unless you NEED a hard copy of it. I know this sounds like strange advice from a guy who makes his living from copiers and copies being made, but this is another initiative of most companies trying to "go paperless." While most of them slightly reduce their printing volume, they will NEVER be paperless, no matter how hard they try. Use programs like Adobe Acrobat, or the free PrimoPDF to convert your files to searchable PDFs and archive them for retrieval. If you want to use your copier to start storing your hard-copy documents in a searchable PDF take advantage of Sharp's OSA platform in conjunction with Drivve Image to make it a 1-2-3 operation. This is a very inexpensive system that works like magic.

  4. Get rid of your inkjet and small desktop laser printers. I always hear about the guys/gals who throwaway their printer and go buy another one when the ink runs out, because "it's cheaper than replacing the ink." This reasoning is ridiculous! What nobody tells these people is that they can lease an office copier AND have an all inclusive maintenance and toner contract for LESS THAN THEY SPEND ON INK for their Office Depot junk printer. New small businesses in particular are guilty of this. In a monetary break-even scenario the obvious choice should be the option that saves you time. Time is money.
Implementing a few small changes in your office can make a big dent in your printer related budget. Jump on the bandwagon today and see how much money you can save!
Contact Copier Collin today to schedule a print audit in Houston. I can help reduce your printing costs AND improve your office's productivity in one fell swoop! I am backed by the best copier service company in Houston, Skelton Business Equipment.


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